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Let us now take a look at the latest events from the ever-changing world of cryptocurrencies. The main news on which to focus is that of the ump hack of a stock exchange. In fact, the seventh exchange bag of the new digital currencies in the world for the value of the transactions, the Korean Bithumb, has been fraudulently subtracted about 32 million dollars in digital coins. Among these many were Ripple (XRP
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). Bithumb has assured that it will nevertheless guarantee, thanks to its own financial means, its clients victims of theft and has proceeded to merge the assets into custody in an offline portfolio, more secure against these attacks.

Most cryptocurrencies fell after the news spread, as was easily predicted and happened several times in similar circumstances. At the time of writing this article only the Ethereum Classic (ETC) turns out to be in positive territory.
Bitcoin (BTC), for example, has come to lose 3% and to trade at $ 6624. Recall that since the beginning of the year Coincheck and Coinrail have also been victims of similar attacks. If one were to find a way for investors with long positions the idea that there are fundamental technological problems behind these thefts is easy to predict that the losses will be much greater than those suffered so far. The Seoul government has guaranteed that there will be extensive investigations to try to find the guilty and the security flaws that have allowed this to happen.

This investigation could also be a good excuse for the political class of the Asian country to increase the supervision of the cryptocurrency sector, which has always been considered to be poorly regulated. A graphic analysis of the price of Bitcoin confirms that the opinion of the marked is still negative, with a bearish trendline that still holds, although there have been some attempts to overcome the impasse as at the beginning of June and in the latter
These attempts, however, seem to have been quite unrealistic and the price has often been retraced. Probably it will be necessary to wait for some important events before a possible upward trend can be considered sustained and lasting over time.
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Source: IQOption blog 2018-06-20 15:48:17

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020