Men are often worried about the length, girth, or overall size of their penis. It is not just for sex purposes but they feel that a bigger penis is a sign of powerful masculinity.
However, men who have a penis of a much smaller size should be genuinely worried about their erection.
There are different male penis enhancement supplements like capsules, tablets, etc. available in the market.
You will also come across many penis extenders that exert pressure on the length and girth of your penis to make it bigger over some time.
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However, the real question is whether these solutions are permanent or temporary.

Some men have a slightly curved penis by birth or due to some accident. The development of the penis is also a big worry if the person goes through any accident or fracture in his childhood days.
Some men are satisfied with their length but they want more girth whereas some men have enough girth but insufficient length. Penis stretching exercises are preferred by men who have issues with the length of their manhood.
Many studies have proven the fact that stretching exercises promote growth in both length and girth of the penis. However, one must not indulge in too much exercise or stretching because it can damage the penile tissues.
Some men around the world are not happy with the size of their penis because their penis does not grow to its maximum capacity due to weak erection. In such cases, the issue could be physical or due to a lack of testosterone production in the body.
Testosterone which is the male sex hormone controls the penis function and stimulates the neurotransmitters which help you to get hard and get strong erections. Proper rest and sleep, cheerful mood, healthy diet, and various other factors play an important role in determining the penis size.
Does Size Really Matter?
Therefore, if you want to see a permanent-growth in your penis size then you must focus on all the above mentioned factors.
Some stretching techniques, penis pulling exercises, and methods like mechanical pumping can sometimes be risky especially if you do not do it properly or if you do not have enough knowledge or guidance on the subject.
Stretching beyond the natural limit of your penis can also cause permanent deformation or tissue damage. They are also risky for the nervous system. Some try desperately to increase their penis size and undergo ligament surgery that increases penis size barely up to 1 inch.
Penis enlargement surgeries are not good for your overall sex life and they can decrease your penis size in the long run. Penis enlargement surgery usually means cutting off a ligament known as suspensory ligament.
Suspensory ligament helps us to sustain the erection at lower angles as it attaches the penis to the pubic bone. However, cutting it causes the erection to rise to a slightly higher angle. It means that you will have to support your penis while penetrating a vagina or anus.
Another method is injecting fat injections inside your penis to improve its girth. The fats are usually taken from the glutes and are introduced below the penis’s skin. However, there is a risk involved in this as fat often grows in an unstable way which can give a deformed appearance to your penis.
It may cause the penis to become dysfunctional. Some men even get olive oil injected in their penis instead of fat. However, this is even riskier as olive oil is more unstable and can even reduce the size of some tissues resulting in the smaller and deformed-looking penis.
Human muscles continue to grow at any age if we stimulate them properly with the help of a healthy diet and exercise and it applies to the penis as well. Some men might not have that much potential to grow because of the structure of the penis tissues but they can achieve some growth naturally.
Today we will discuss all the penis enlargement methods that are safe, easy, and provide great results. Here are some primary methods to begin with-
Stretching exercises
Penis stretching exercises are one of the safest methods to increase the penis size naturally. This is because they do not have any harmful effects and you may end up adding some girth and length to your penis. Follow these steps to learn how to stretch a penis manually:
Friday, November 27, 2020