Your birthday brings together the perfect combination of passion and balance. If you were born between November 18th and 24th you are a Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp. This date means you come from the cusp of revolution and with it, you bring incredible strength and energy. You are so driven and motivated in life that most people struggle to keep up with you.
Continue reading below for more information on your life outlook, relationships, and lifestyle.
Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: The Action Taker
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Your cusp of revolution means you believe in achievement and measuring life by the number of successes you experience. When things are moving forward, you are as happy as could be. When things are running in reverse, you get angry and frustrated.
Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter rule over your cusp. This allows you to possess traits of energy and passion while remaining somewhat grounded from your ability to adapt and flex.
Your Scorpio side is incredibly intense with a burning desire to stomp on others to get to the front of the line. Your Sagittarius side is more willing to take a step back and figure out a way for everyone to win.
Even with this unique sign of fire and water, consistent action is the main focus of your life. You believe hard work guarantees you success and you learn through trial and error. You are not afraid to fail because of your high confidence and willingness to jump in before you fully understand what you are doing.
The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp is so powerful because your Sagittarius side is so goal-oriented that it balances out the relentless, action taking Scorpio. A hardcore Scorpio would continuously take action regardless of whether or not he/she was achieving anything.
When you combine the two signs, you find someone who accurately analyzes a situation and determines their goal then jumps in without fear of failure.
This sign is very successful in the entrepreneur and business space. Your rebellious nature makes it difficult for you to hold down a regular job so going off on your own is a great option.
Some water signs like Pisces are more passive, and they believe in using their intellect to determine an outcome. You tend to see these people as weak and slow. As soon as an idea pops into your head, you are likely to jump right in and start working on it. Friends and family members may see that as impulsive or reckless, but you cannot imagine living any other way.
Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: The Free Thinker
You speak your mind, and you are not afraid to tell someone when you think they are wrong. Your opinions and values are strong, and you do not like to be told otherwise so this conflicts with authority figures. In school or career life, you are likely to be the person who struggles with listening, and you often wander off on your own to do things your way.
Since you combine both water and fire signs, there is continuously a mental clash regarding how you treat others. Your Scorpio tells you to focus and do not worry about anyone other than yourself. Your Sagittarius cares for others and is empathetic towards people.
This driven but caring mentality makes you perfect for self-employment or social services. Your greatest desire is to get ahead in life, but there is always a voice in the back of your mind telling you to help people.
One of the best traits your Scorpio sign gives you is your ability to remain calm no matter what. If everything falls apart in your life, it doesn’t seem to bother you. You live a free life, and you do not let anyone, or anything, stop you from doing what you want.
Your Biggest Strengths
- Powerful – Power is everything in your life, and you want to achieve as much as you can. You love being in charge of your own life and when someone takes that away things get ugly. You perform best when you are the decision maker and leader of the group.
- Adventurous – Some people think you are crazy, but you love taking the path less traveled. Your life will take you to some fantastic places if you open your eyes and that is your mantra. You have a hard time understanding people who strive for a normal life when there is so much left to explore.
- Motivated – You are the most driven sign, and achievement is critical to your happiness. You are not happy unless there is a new goal in sight. You need something to work towards at all times, and you are driven and motivated to get there. Your level of energy and motivation even inspires the people around you.
- Passionate – You were born with incredible energy. Everything you do receives the right amount of attention, and you do it to the best of your ability. Your passion extends beyond careers and business into your personal life as well. You are a passionate lover and family member to everyone around you. Your friends and family probably see you as someone who cares greatly and would give the shirt of their back to help someone in need.
- Determined – Some people call it stubborn, you call it determined. You do not give up no matter what happens. Like most, you may need someone to pick you up along the way, but quitting is not an option.
Your Biggest Weaknesses
- Rebellious – You do not take well to authority, and this makes it difficult for you to hold down a job. In your early years, you may hop around from job to job trying to find something that works, but you always struggle with listening to someone you do not respect. You think bigger and better than the people around you.
- Dangerous – You act on impulse without thinking things through, and that can sometimes be dangerous. This trait could put you in situations that are life-threatening. Take the time to analyze a situation before jumping in. It is wise to partner with a sign that is more analytical and level-headed to ensure you do not get into an unfortunate circumstance.
- Overly Competitive – You love competition, and you do not like to lose. Everything you do turns competitive from board games to driving; you love to compare yourself to others. You need to perform better than the people around you, and this leads to issues with friends and family.
Love and Relationships
Your great nature extends into your relationships as you look for someone with the same zest for life as you. You need an admirer, but you also want your partner to have their own goals and objectives to achieve. Much of your approach to life is business-like, and your ideal partner will share a strong desire to succeed and win.
Scorpio’s do not trust easily, so honesty is most important in your relationships. If you cannot trust the person or the trust gets broken the relationship is doomed. You will never look at the other person in the same way, and you will always think they are out to get you.
Other fire signs are likely to catch your eye. They share the same dominant attitude and driven focus as you. You find this incredibly attractive and a relationship between two fire signs is likely to be intimate and passionate.
While that may seem fun and exciting, having two strong-minded individuals in a relationship is likely to cause conflict. With another fire sign like Leo, you are likely to disagree on many things and not be willing to adapt to the needs of the other person.
You prefer to be the center of attention, and the one everyone looks up to, having a partner who shares that desire could lead to one of you hogging the spotlight.
Sometimes it makes more sense to partner with a passive sign like Cancer or Pisces. These people will look up to you and give you the ego boost you need to continue forward. Plus, they will have no desire to share the attention.
It is important to realize that you need someone to balance out your impulsive and sometimes reckless behavior. A sign built on balance and a strong foundation could be the answer.
The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is one of the most powerful and driven signs in Astrology. Very few people share your level of energy and passion. Use your many strengths in a way that benefits others, and you will live a fulfilled life.
Remember to keep your two feet on the ground and analyze situations before diving right in. It’s okay to learn from experience, but you need to learn from your mistakes.
You’re likely to live an extraordinary life full of adventures and success.
Friday, November 27, 2020