Guardian Angel Mitzrael is the Angel of Reparation, with a life purpose to bring believers to their highest self. He influences one life in such a positive and uplifting manner that all his followers are sure to reach a higher form of spirituality after meditating in his name.
Mitzrael has a name meaning ‘God who liberates the oppressed’. Liberating the oppressed first begins with enlightenment. To offer light to those in the dark, this angel must see through to the true meaning of the oppressed and repair their karmic powers. The first step in this process would be for the oppressed to understand their roles in life, respect authority, and wish to live a peaceful life.
In the Jewish religion, Angel Mitzrael is a Beni Elohim, ruled under the Archangel Ariel. In the Christian religion, he is an Archangel ruled under Michael. These distinctions may vary slightly between religions, but the overall aspects of the angel-being one of reparation, remain constant.
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Guardian Mitzrael attempts to bring his followers a feeling of balance, of having a life that is whole, and of having the ability for self-reflection. Many times, simply reflecting upon one’s thoughts and behaviors is enough for someone to see their own wrongdoing and error in their ways. Admitting to one’s errors and repairing their damage can bring about a sense of self-healing and reestablish balance in one’s spiritual and material lives.
Angel Mitzrael – The Angel of Reparation
Mitzrael brings about reparation by first bringing about self-awareness and obedience. Bringing one’s own thoughts to include himself and of his own errors is needed to bring about change and improvement. Mitzrael is also said to be able to heal mental illness, or at least bring comfort to those suffering.
Bringing reparation through awareness brings a balance between the many facets of life including mental, emotional and spiritual healing. A process needs to begin somewhere and beginning with prayer to this Angel can bring about the positive energy to begin anew.
Mitzrael works with those in the areas of psychology, neurology and technical fields by bringing knowledge and guidance to their spirits as they work in these fields. Working in these career areas is in a sense working under the rule of Angel Mitzrael. As the angel of reparation, those in the technical and neurological fields are constantly repairing and solving mysteries led by this Angel.
Those born in the days between January 16 and January 20 are under the rule of Angel Mitzrael. With his guidance and protection, followers are said to be influenced in a positive manner in regards to thought and behavior.
He is able to provide a pure and beautiful soul to his followers that also recognize their own mistakes and work to remedy any harm. Under his rule, followers are able to learn from their mistakes. One may feel learning form mistakes is a simple task, but for many, this is the key factor holding them back from making positive life changes and increasing their spiritual gains.
Working is important to those under the guidance of Mitzrael. Work provides not only financial confidence and security, but also a sense of being. A sense of place and a sense of purpose drives the followers of Mitzrael to help others, raise their karmic circle, and rediscover their existence. Work humbles you, brings you a new perspective, and leads one to a higher knowledge base.
One does not have to be born during a certain time frame to feel the power and protection of this Angel. One can simply follow his force and guidance while meditating in his name. Form these practices, one is able to benefit from his teachings and blessings.

About Michelle Bidol
Michelle has a B.A. in Art History and Philosophy but she has been studying astrology for over 10 years now. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. She works with clients to help them understand the value of astrology and what it can bring into their daily lives.
Reader Interactions
Michael Kwatabalyawo says
I used to think that st. Michael arch angle is my gurdian angle, until now I have learnt about mitzreal
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