Most of the blackjack players do not even think of making any negotiation deal with the casinos. However, Don Johnson was the one did this and ultimately won millions of dollars from blackjack game.
Other then card counting, almost all of the experienced players will agree on the fact that the house always have some edge on the game. In fact, those blackjack players who holds expertise in employing basic strategy in blackjack game also give 0.5% house edge to the casinos. Only one player came and gave players the hope that they can beat the house edge by employing basic blackjack strategy and he was non other then Don Johnson.
Instant Legend
Don Johnson is a 49-year-old man, who enjoy playing blackjack games in Atlantic City , and while he was in his incredible streak has caused some sever troubles and looses to Tropicana.
Firstly, Johnson has showed up to Tropicana casino for playing the game of blackjack. Here, he has placed his bets with $100,000 for more than 12 hours. Now, during this time span, majority of players have lost their money as they have stayed on the gaming table for long duration of time, which significantly affect their house edge. However, for Johnson, staying at the gaming table has resulted in massive winning of $5.8 million. Apart from Tropicana casino, Johnson has received huge amount of money from Borgata and from Caesars Atlantic City. However, the winning of Johnson from Tropicana casino has made him an instant legend of blackjack. During the end of 2011 and starting of 2012, he has gone for playing the game of blackjack. From these two excursions, he has become able to win massive profit worth $4 million.
How did he do it?
Its not that easy that you enjoy blackjack for long hours earn massive amount and then move out of the casino without being questioned. Don Johnson was well aware if the fact that his game is being clearly monitored by both the casino as well as the curious players. The ultimate objective of this to find out the blackjack strategy used by him and to make out whether he is a card counter or not.
After it was crystal clear that Don uses card counting for making massive winning, however, Johnson continuously denied the it and said that he only uses some basic blackjack strategies to beat the house edge associated with the game. Dealers have closely watched Don Johnson game and say that Johnson is telling the truth.
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A Wealth of Experience
To know how Don Johnson manage to play blackjack much better then any other, lets take a look on his background. In the beginning Johnson was a horse jockey, he then moved to Philadelphia Park Racetrack, this racetrack had one casino associated with it. Johnson then developed interest in finding out how these casino games actually work.
He has played various other roles in the gambling sector. These roles may incorporate providing services as gaming regulator in majority of American states as Wyoming, Oregon and Texas, operating one of the well-known software company responsible for handicapping the horse races. The role of software company operator has facilitated Johnson in improving his mathematical skills, which is particularly essential while selecting to play blackjack.
Saturday, December 5, 2020