There was a but of a scuffle in Boston yesterday regarding a window display on Newbury Street at Nike. The window shows off two manequins wearing T-shirts with “Dope” and “Get High.” Mayor Menino wants Nike to take down the display. Nike stands by their window (as of now).
I personally noticed the window before the Mayor even said a thing and thought the shirts were laughable and misleading. If I saw someone wearing a shirt that said “Get High” regardless of the graphics or brand, I would think they liked to smoke pot and thought the shirt was stupid. I also know that the people I know who smoke pot, would never be caught dead wearing a shirt that said that. It seems like something high school boy would wear for attention. Same goes for dope. I find the shirts immature. Regardless of Nike’s decision to keep the window display, I just think the shirts are tacky and a knock off of an NYC street vendor wise guy.
A YouTuber did mention however that their slogan “Just Do It” has two meanings as well… I thought this was a very interesting point. I’m not sensitive but I do think the shirts are terrible for the Nike image.
I ran down to take a video of the display so I could show all of you. As of right now, 84 people think the shirts are fine to stay as is. Only 34 think they should be taken down. What do you think?
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