Those born on July 15 are natives of the sign of Cancer. Represented by the crab, Cancers are profoundly feeling individuals who enjoy security, devoted love, and their private worlds. Cancers are excellent at keeping others away when they desire privacy.
The sign of the crab is a loving and nurturing one, however. Once you earn your way into these magnetic soul’s lives, you will frequently find they will have your back forever. Cancers are outstanding a balancing the two ideas of being irresistible and personable, yet a bit out of reach at the same time.
The Water Element in Cancer
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Cancer’s element is that of water. This cardinal water sign can be a self-starter and also profoundly emotive. Feelings run deep in these natives, although they often shell themselves up and can hide some of their more intense emotions. Shielding their innermost thoughts is a hallmark trait of the sign of Cancer.
Water also makes the sign of the crab a highly adaptable individual. Cancers do not always enjoy change. To the contrary, these individuals tend to like their security more than most signs of the Zodiac. However, if the transformation is absolutely necessary, this water sign and go with the flow and be a people pleaser when they feel it is essential.
A Cancer’s emotions can run high like a flood, rushing in with no warning. The next day, their feelings may be serene like a tranquil pond. Crabs do not always know how to handle their intense feelings best, but they can be experts at hiding them in front of others.
Crabs and the Moon
Cancers ruling planetary body is the moon. The moon embodies both illumination and courage. This is part of what makes crabs such charismatic people, even when they are not the most outgoing. They have a quiet type of magnetism about them that many others can find irresistible.
A July 15 Cancer’s bravery is much like their charm—it is not always the boldest and noticeable. Instead, these natives tend to have a more mysterious and quiet type of courageousness to them. They often silently push forward through challenging life phases, sometimes without much outward drama at all. Their inner world might feel like it is crumbling, but the crab can hide this sometimes too well.
The moon also influences a sort of mystical, enlightened aspect of these natives. Many born under the sign will have a strong intuition. Others will be especially interested in spirituality, religion, or personal growth. Do not be surprised if you meet a Cancer who is devoutly religious, into new age mysticism, or reads self-help books by the dozens. Crabs like to look into the spirit, not just live in the material world.
Cancer and the Fourth House
The Fourth House in astrology symbolizes stability, the home, and family life. Cancers are usually people who care a lot about financial security, the safety of themselves and their family, and having a happy family.
These natives may not always be the most nomadic type. While some crabs enjoy travel, most are happiest to find their cozy home and focus on finding a relationship and later, starting a family. These natives want to feel safe in the knowledge that they are surrounded by those they love the most and have a home they are proud of, regardless of how big or small their place might be.
Many Cancers are hard-working because of this desire for financial security. Some will be particularly ambitious, but even then, most born under this sign possess that drive for that sense of assurance. Instead of being focused on showing off a luxury lifestyle to others, Cancers frequently want financial abundance to feel confident that they have plenty of buffer in the bank for whatever might pop up in life.
Residing in the Fourth House, Cancers can also be quite concerned about parenting well. These natives want to do their absolute best as a caregiver. While nearly all parents have this desire, the crab may dwell on it, or even obsess over the idea, more than many others. Don’t be surprised if you meet a Cancer who has read every parenting book they can find or reflects on how they are doing in this area daily.
The Creative and Nurturing Sign of Cancer
As parents, the sign of the crab can be nurturing, but this is not the only area of life this gift manifests itself. July 15 Cancers are usually extremely compassionate individuals who tend to be good at listening to others. Many with this sign are the kind of friend others turn to when a keen listening ear is needed.
Many Cancers are also exceptional at finding ways to get through to those who might be defensive by using both tactful communication and a creative way of explaining things. There is often a sort of elegance in the way natives in Cancer express themselves to others.
These natives’ creativity can also be found in several areas of their life. Many born under the sign have artistic talent. Even if they are more mathematically minded, Cancer natives frequently have a creative way of looking at things or the world around them. They might have an especially fine-tuned sense of aesthetic in decor, design, music, or even be organized until it’s almost an art.
The Smart and Headstrong Crab
Cancers are a water sign, but they are a cardinal sign as well. This modality makes them a bit more of a self-starter, innovative thinker, or initiator than their fellow water signs. Many with this birthday have fiercer opinions or a more iron will than some born under the signs of Pisces, for example.
Cancer natives are intelligent individuals who balance both a sense of wisdom and self-enlightenment with a robust intuition. A July 15 Cancer can be quite challenging to deceive, as they have this strong sixth sense alongside a high-functioning intellect.
These observant individuals are watching things around them more than most people give them credit for. They have highly tuned meters for picking up on lies and can get skeptical of those around them. Sometimes it can be too natural for the crab to fall into a state of suspicion and distrust because of this watchful characteristic.
Stability and the Zodiac Sign of Cancer
Ruled by the Fourth House, Cancer natives are all about security. Even when they are traveling, these individuals will seek out ways to feel secure and comfortable. Most born under the sign do not do well in situations where they have no idea what to expect, or their accommodations are unclear or sketchy.
Although some Cancers will excel at unconventional jobs, most want a profession that is at least reasonably compensated, and they want the reliability of a paycheck. Starting their own business with excessive risk is not like most of these natives. They have an emotional and intuitive side being a water sign, but they also have a pragmatic way of thinking about taking care of responsibilities.
Are Cancers Jealous?
The sign of the crab feels so intensely that they can become a bit possessive with loved ones. However, when many other signs might become assertively jealous, cancers will turn quiet or even passive aggressive if envy rears its head.
When these natives feel their partner is flirting with someone else or the Cancer is concerned about loyalty, they may revert to making a show of flirting with others themselves. Cancers might also be sneakier about checking phones or withdrawing as a result of jealousy. It would do the Cancer well to learn to be more upfront about the things they fear the most in a relationship.
Ideal Jobs for Cancer the Crab
Being the compassionate souls that Cancers are, these natives tend to do well in professions where their advice or listening skills come into play. The sign of the crab can do an excellent job as a legal mediator, a family therapist, working in nursing, retirement communities, or hospice care.
Many natives of this sign who do well with children excel as teachers, pediatricians, or child psychologists because of their ability to listen and sympathize. Working as a school counselor as another option for the crab.
Those exceptionally creative cancers can make fantastic interior designers, wedding and event planners, graphic designers, or art directors. The crab is one who can work well quietly by themselves or alongside others in areas such as film set construction or playing an instrument with a symphony.
Cancers may also find themselves drawn to very stable careers thanks to the Fourth House. It is because of this desire for security that many do well as accountants, working in trades, pursuing stable fields such as dentistry, or working with technology such as software development or programming.
Love, Compatibility Matches, and Cancer
Natives of Cancer are generally most compatible with the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, and Capricorn. A Cancer can certainly make it work with a love match of another Zodiac, but these traditionally companionable signs will tend to share the most values or balance out a Cancer the best.
Scorpio is a fellow water sign that can be as intensely devoted to a relationship as a Cancer. One of the more significant downfalls to this pairing is that both Cancer and Scorpio can be on the secretive side or withhold their emotions. If these two can learn to open up and have tactful, honest communication, this has the potential for a lifelong match.
Pisces and Cancer can do wonderfully together. Pisces is noted to be one of the most intuitive signs of the Zodiac and will share an emotional intelligence with Cancer. Natives in Cancer can be delightful for Pisces by bringing the crab’s sense of stability and security to Pisces.
Capricorn is an Earth sign that can be incredibly grounding for Cancer. These two balance each other out with somewhat opposite traits. However, they can bring out the best attributes and each other if they cooperate and compromise. Capricorn can potentially be a Cancer’s best match.
Two Cancers can pair off well together if they learn to open up about their feelings. If both Cancers remain withdrawn, this will be a relationship that may end up riddled with resentment. With open and honest discussions about their beliefs, these two can be a fantastic duo.
Horoscope for the July 15 Cancer
The first half of this year will throw a few things your way to trip you up a bit, Cancer. However, your tough shell will see you through it. Fortunately for you, some significant career opportunities are opening doors this year and next. You might like the stability of life, Cancer, but be willing to take a little risk when the reward is significant.
An interest in bettering yourself in some form, whether it be higher learning or improving your health, will come into play. Jupiter is returning for some self-evaluation, Cancer, and this will spark an old interest in a neglected area of your life. It could be that you’ve shelved something for far too long. Now it is time to reach those crab pincers out to snatch up the opportunity at long last.
Single natives in Cancer will want to keep their eyes open around November for a new love to spring into your life. Be brave, and resist the urge to stay in your shell when this happens. Being too withdrawn could cause this chance to pass you by, or prevent you from noticing this person when they arrive.
Those in a relationship, keep a level head during the first half of the year and resist the urge to fall into that passive-aggressive behavior. It is time for some growth. So, reflect on how you are contributing to the troubles. When you keep an open mind, you and your partner can see this through and be stronger in the end from it.
Around August, things will lighten up when you both compromise and practice your mature and fair communication. Positive transformation is on its way, so chin up Cancer! You can do this.

About Michelle Bidol
Michelle has a B.A. in Art History and Philosophy but she has been studying astrology for over 10 years now. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. She works with clients to help them understand the value of astrology and what it can bring into their daily lives.
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