We already know that you want to learn how to trade options and generate a consistent income. What we didn’t know, as well as we do now, is that we had some pretty specific gaps in our previous courses that made the process of learning how to trade confusing. And because we always want to improve and perfect our training here at Option Alpha, a couple of months ago we surveyed thousands of members in search of the "missing links" to our program.
After more than 1,378 detailed survey responses and 68 one-on-one phone calls with PRO & ELITE members, we decided to completely overhaul our training courses from start to finish. I'm not talking about adding another video here or there; I'm talking about creating an entirely new training program with a defined path and specific, measurable goals. Plus, it had to be 100% free and 10,000% times better than anyone else's paid program.
Not to pat ourselves on the back or anything, but we nailed it! People love this new training series. I mean all-caps, smiley face emoji, freaking LOVE IT
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Hello everyone friends! Welcome to the MH Trade project. This video is dedicated to the review on the new Pocket Option broker. In this video, I'll talk about ...
Today I'd like to introduce you officially to the NEW Education Tracks at Option Alpha. Don't let the names fool you though because these tracks were meticulously curated to help you hit certain objectives in your options trading journey. Although they've been available for current members for a while now, I thought it was worth the taking the time on the show to help you understand the thought process behind each track as well as offer my best tips and advice for setting and hitting your goals as a trader.
Key Points from Today's Show:
Taking care of the big building blocks first and laying a foundation for options trading. Takes you from being newbie, knowing nothing about options, to having a greater understanding about options:
- How they are priced
- Expiration periods
- Option pricing tables
- Where your edge is
- Small account strategies
- Multi-leg strategies
- Technical analysis
This is where most people are at; know about options, but not yet an advanced trader. Specifically designed for getting you from awareness of the concepts to actually entering a trade. Helps you understand if you are making the right trades:
- Scanning for trades
- Choosing a strategy
- Pricing the trade
- Historical volatility versus implied volatility
- Targeting your portfolio return
- Predicting the market
- Tips on how to get filled
- Using contingent orders
The advanced track for serious traders. It includes everything that happens beyond when a trade actually gets placed. Strategies Taught:
- Adjusting/hedging trades
- Exiting trades automatically
- Setting stop-losses
- Setting trade triggers
- Knowing when to adjust portfolio balance
- Rolling trades for duration
- Expiration week checklist
- Dealing with stock assignment and dividends
- Freeing up cash in margin
- Running a professional trading business.
You shouldn't want to "Netflix" or binge watch these videos. Each track has 14-15 videos, between 25 minutes to an hour. They are densely packed with information, which you want to retain in chunks. Watch one video a day in order to continue to build momentum in your options trading.
Top 4 Tips for Option Alpha's New Tracks
1. Start where you are.
Don't assume that you can leap forward; really make sure you understand your foundation.
Perhaps even go back a step and review what you think you have already learned.
2. Take notes.
According to studies, this increases your retention by up to 64% versus just watching or listening.
3. Answer questions for others.
If you can answer questions for other people it then reinforces that knowledge in your own mind and helps you get to where you want to go even faster.
4. Trade alongside the tracks.
Options trading it not something you can learn in one single setting and then go trade and never come back. Best is to start making small trades along the way as you are going through the tracks, especially in track two where you learn how to find and enter trades. This allows you to have real trades to work on in track three, to learn how to manage those trades.
[FREE Download] Podcast Show Notes & Transcript PDF: No time to read the show notes right now? We've made it incredibly easy for you to save time by giving you instant access to the complete digital version of today's show. Click Here to Download Your FREE Copy ?
Free Options Trading Courses:
- Options Basics [20 Videos]: Whether you're a completely new trader or an experienced trader, you'll still need to master the basics. The goal of this section is to help lay the groundwork for your education with some simple, yet important lessons surrounding options.
- Finding & Placing Trades [26 Videos]: Successful options trading is 100% dependent on your ability to find and enter trades that give you an "edge" in the market. This module helps teach you how to scan properly for and select the best strategies to execute smarter option trades each day.
- Pricing & Volatility [12 Videos]: This module includes lessons on mastering implied volatility and premium pricing for specific strategies. We'll also look at IV relativeness and percentiles which help you determine the best strategy to use for each and every possible market setup.
- Neutral Options Strategies [7 Videos]: The beauty of options is that you can trade the market within a neutral range either up or down. You'll learn to love sideways and range bound markets because of the opportunity to build non-directional strategies that profit if the stock goes up, down or nowhere at all.
- Bullish Options Strategies [12 Videos]: Naturally everyone wants to make money when the market is heading higher. In this module, we'll show you how to create specific strategies that profit from up trending markets including low IV strategies like calendars, diagonals, covered calls and direction debit spreads.
- Options Expiration & Assignment [11 Videos]: Our goal is to make sure you understand the logistics of how each process works and the parties involved. If you don’t feel confident in the expiration processes or have questions that you just can't seem to get answered, then this section will help you.
- Portfolio Management [16 Videos]: When I say "portfolio management" some people automatically assume you need a Masters from MIT to understand the concept and strategies - that is NOT the case. And in this module, you'll see why managing your risk trading options is actually quite simple.
- Trade Adjustments/Hedges [15 Videos]: I n this popular module, we'll give you concrete examples of how you can hedge different options strategies to both reduce potential losses and give yourself an opportunity to profit if things turn around. Plus, we'll help you create an alert system to save time and make it more automatic.
- Professional Trading [14 Videos]: Honestly, this module isn't just for professional traders; it's for anyone who wants to have eventually options replace some (or all) of their monthly income. Because the reality is that mindset is everything if you truly want to earn a living trading options.
PDF Guides & Checklists:
- The Ultimate Options Strategy Guide [90 Pages]: Our most popular PDF workbook with detailed options strategy pages categorized by market direction. Read the whole guide in less than 15 mins and have it forever to reference.
- Earnings Trading Guide [33 Pages]: The ultimate guide to earnings trades including the top things to look for when playing these one-day volatility events, expected move calculations, best strategies to use, adjustments, etc.
- Implied Volatility (IV) Percentile Rank [3 Pages]: A cool, simple visual tool to help you understand how we should be trading based on the current IV rank of any particular stock and the best strategies for each blocked section of IV.
- Guide to Trade Size & Allocation [8 Pages]: Helping you figure out exactly how to calculate new position size as well as how much you should be allocating to your each position based on your overall portfolio balance.
- When to Exit/Manage Trades [7 Pages]: Broken down by option strategy we'll give you concrete guidelines on the best exit points and prices for each trade type to maximize your win rate and profits long-term.
- 7-Step Trade Entry Checklist [10 Pages]: Our top 7 things you should be double-checking before you enter your next trading. This quick checklist will help keep you out of harms way by making sure you make smarter entries.
Real-Money, LIVE Trading:
- IWM Iron Butterfly (Closing Trade): Exiting this IWM iron butterfly options trade gave us a $1,100+ profit after pinning the stock price one day before expiration at the peak of our spread.
- CMG Iron Condor (Opening Trade): I just recorded my live trading platform (and real money account) as I walked through the process of entering a new iron condor trade in CMG stock. Inside you'll see me analyze, price and fill the trade in real-time.
- APC Strangle (Closing Trade): Took about $150 out of this small APC strangle trade even after the stock moved completely against our short call strikes this month. But as always, implied volatility always trumps direction and because IV went down, the value of this spread dropped more-so than the impact of the directional move higher.
- IYR Call Credit Spread (Adjusting Trade): This adjustment is good for 2 reasons. First, it reduces the overall risk in the trade if IYR continues to move higher. Second, it still leaves room for the stock to fall back down into our new profit window.
- XHB Straddle (Closing Trade): We were able to bank a $120 profit early in the March expiration cycle for our XHB straddle with the stock trading right in the middle of our expected range.
- AAPL Call Calendar (Opening Trade): Look behind the scenes as I use our new watchlist software to filter quickly and find this AAPL call calendar spread trade during overall low implied volatility in the market.
- COF Strangle (Adjusting Trade): Here I recorded my live trading screen (and real money account) showing you the entire thought process we used to make an adjustment to my current short strangle in COF to reduce risk.
- GDX Strangle (Opening Trade): With gold's high IV we are getting into a new strangle with a 70% chance of success and a decent credit for selling option premium.
- IBB Iron Condor (Closing Trade): Today we're exiting an iron condor we traded in IBB for a $142 profit. Inside you'll see me analyze the exit price and fill the trade in real-time.
Thank You for Listening!
I'm humbled that you took the time out of your day to listen to our show, and I never take that for granted. If you have any tips, suggestions or comments about this episode or topics you'd like to hear me cover, just add your thoughts below in the comment section.
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