Yep 1969 – the year I entered the world. The month of March to be precise.
2009 – the year I’ve been on the planet 40 years!
2009 – January – a year since I enlisted on TBW!
And because of TBW I am gonna have to seriously review the guest list for me birthday party.
But you know what – 40 – BRING IT ON. I’m ready and waiting. If it’s gonna be anything like me 30s I best start taking vitamins and red bull now!
My 20s I spent being in love, being married and having my son.
My 30s I spent being a mum, being separated and having a wild time to make up for my lost youth! (That’s what happens when you hook up with someone at 16 and stay with them till you’re 32). Not sure I would have the energy to re-live my 30s over but I will damn well give it a go!
For some strange reason I ‘woke up this morning feeling fine’.
Life is good. I’m alive! I’m happy in my own skin! I have a fantastic son, a good job and good friends.
TBW has introduced me too many great (and many weird) people. And I love it.
There are some nights I come close to wetting myself due to the banter in the virtual bar. The antics of some of my friends on here are hilarious!
Manys a good book could be written about their adventures.
Welcome beautiful and lovely people, if you are new here welcome if you're not, thanks so much for stopping by. Here is me talking about social media and ...
And you know what – a few dates, a bit of chatting up by a cute guy would be nice. But in my mind that would be a bonus. I’m not signing on here everyday longingly looking for the love (or shag) of my life! In fact after a year I’ve been out with someone twice. (Yes that’s only 1 guy). The activity doesn’t even officially qualify as a date! Am I down about that fact – like feck am I! I don’t need someone else to make my life complete! I’ve come through the crap and have emerged the other side. I know the only person who can make me truly happy is me.
I am at peace with me own company but the interaction with people – real or virtual – is what I love. (I also like chocolate and vodka – but not together). Sometimes I read the dilemas people go through on here, the let downs, the pessimism and maybe that’s why I’m not sititng hear, tongue hanging out, pining for a guy. Maybe that’s why my dates are like an old man’s teeth – few and far between. Maybe I come across as the easygoing, joking paddy. But you know what I am who I am. When and if I get round to hooking up with someone then he’ll have to like me warts and all. (I would like to specify here that I do not actually have any warts). So roll on 2009. TBW is what you make it. I for one am having great craic on here. Here’s to all you great ladies and cute guys who make it so.
PS (For those of you unfamiliar with the term ‘slainte’ it means cheers in Gaelic).
I also know how to say ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’ and ‘can I have permission to go to the toilet please’ in my native tongue.