“Let’s not kill the baby in the cradle,” said Congressman Tom Carper today in an interview that aired on financial TV network CNBC. He was, of course, talking about bitcoin — making a reference to the early days of the Internet when many people didn’t show interest and utility.
But Carper recognizes the potential behind this digital currency. In his interview, Carper mentions that the possibility for “bad things” to happen using bitcoin is there (drug trade, money laundering, to name the heavy-hitters). But he emphasized that good things can also happen, such as improving transaction efficiency and lowering the cost of transactions.
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Carper also suggested that law enforcement is keeping their eye on bitcoin and keeping “on top of it”, but that we don’t need more legislation on it. It’s certainly positive news, but is it an outlook that other world governments will recognize and adopt? (via CNBC)
Thursday, December 17, 2020