Parrot and I are going to be in New York City this evening … kind of.
We’ll be part of the opening night festivities of the NYC Porn Film Festival in a rather big way. The trailer of our video our Make Love Not Porn Video, Une Demoiselle sur une Balancoire (A Girl on a Swing), is part of a presentation, How To Make Money Out Of Porn: Redesigning The Industry Business Model, that MNLP founder Cindy Gallop will be presenting this evening.
Parrot and I are so excited to be part of such an important talk from someone who is as well respected in the world of sexuality and adult entertainment as Cindy. It’s a real honor to be an example of how porn can be done differently, more responsibly, and more profitable.
If you’re in New York City and plan on attending the NYC Porn Film Festival, I hope you’ll get to see us … at least in video.
WE RECOMMEND THE VIDEO: The Connection Between Childhood Abuse and Adult Relationships
Did you know that childhood abuse can affect your adult intimate relationship. This video explains ...
Friday, December 25, 2020