Is the number 49 speaking to you? Do you see it everywhere? Do you have a feeling that it means something special and important? You are correct! It is a message from your guardian angel.
The angels communicate with us through angel numbers. In order to interpret the message, it is important to understand the meaning of the numbers.
Angel Number 49 Meaning
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Angel 49 is a combination of the vibrations of the numbers 4 and 9. Number 4 resonates with values of worthiness, endurance, trustworthiness, pride, success, being practical and determined, and having a zest for life.
Number 9 stands for endings, finality, conclusions, strength, wisdom, being selfless, philanthropy, setting good examples, karma, enlightenment, Divine Life Purpose, and soul mission.
Your life purpose and soul mission are what you are meant to do. Usually doing something you love that brings joy to others is your life purpose and soul mission.
Number 9 connotes the energies of Universal Spiritual Laws. These are rules that can be applied to everything in the universe. We live by these laws either, consciously or unconsciously. Number 9 is the number of lightworking. Lightworking is a special gift of healing and helping.
A Chapter in Your Life is Concluding
If you are seeing angel number 49, this means that a phase or project in your life is ending and you can look back at all that you have accomplished and be proud. Take what you have learned from this cycle in life and use the lessons going forward.
Remember to finish your work before starting a new chapter in your life. When something ends, a new beginning starts. Look at your goals and life purpose as you approach your new beginning.
Choose a New Life Path
As you conclude the completed phase of your life; it is time to get started on a new path. One chapter has come to an end, and it is great to celebrate that, but don’t look back too long. Time is ticking and you don’t have a second to waste.
Chances are that you already know what new endeavors you are taking. If you don’t know what is next for you, you must figure it out. Ask the angels for help and guidance. They will enlighten you and help you determine the best path.
Trust your Instincts and Listen to your Heart
Remember to trust your instincts, especially when you don’t know where to turn or what to do. Listen to your heart and inner voice. It will give you the correct path to follow.
It is also important to seek the advice of trusted family and friends, but only you truly know what is best for you. Once you make your decision, go for it and don’t listen to the naysayers.
Work Hard
Work hard for your dreams and don’t give up when things get rough. Just work harder and lean on your angels for strength and guidance. Just start making it happen. Dive in and be productive. Don’t allow opportunities to slip through your fingers.
Do not waste time or put off what needs to be done. It can be easy to procrastinate but you won’t reach your goals if you keep putting things off.
Work hard, but manage your time so that you have time for yourself and others. After all, that is what life is all about. Focus on health, family, and happiness.
Withstand the Challenges
You will have tough times, but it is during those times that you must persevere. This is why success is so sweet! It is because you have overcome so many obstacles.
You can do anything regardless of the naysayers. You know your strong points and your weak points better than anyone else. Don’t allow negativity to creep in and put doubts in your mind.
Have faith that things will work out. Trust that the Divine Realm will help you along the way. Don’t let others define your self-worth. Don’t undersell yourself!
Remember the Laws of Karma
The law of karma is the energy you put into the universe comes back to you in the same manner. So if you put out good and positive energy, good and positive things will happen to you. Likewise, if you put out negative energy and do bad things, bad things will happen to you. It is important to think about your actions and your decisions so that you don’t hurt others.
Your guardian angel wants you to reach your accomplishments with dignity and humility. Do not gain through ill-gotten manners. Do it with honesty and integrity. Don’t step on the toes of others to get ahead. If you achieve success this way, it will not last and you will have lost your dignity.
You have so many gifts and talents, use them honorably in a way that will make the angels proud!
Keep a Cool Head
Angel 49 wants you to know that you have a diverse pool of strengths and talents, so don’t sell yourself short. Do not limit your actions to things that you have always done before. Step outside of your comfort zone!
You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it. Be enthusiastic, hopeful, strong, and passionate. This will help you get where you need to be.
Angel Number 49 and Love
A bad relationship is ending for you. The number 49 is about endings and conclusions. You have stayed in this relationship way too long.
Your angel wants you to know that it is time to say goodbye. The good news is that a wonderful, new and exciting relationship awaits you! Don’t despair. Trust in your angel that you will always be guided just where you are supposed to be!
Corollary Number 4
Angel 49 has a corollary number and that number is 4. You get this number by adding 4+9=13. 1+3=4. The number 4 is about being practical and organized, service, patience, having dignity, being pragmatic, loyalty, and determination.
The message of angel number 4 is that the angels are sending love, support, and encouragement so that you can do what you need to achieve your goals. Prepare to set things in motion so that you can achieve your goals!
Don’t Stop Learning
Don’t stop learning. Use everything as a learning experience. Seize new opportunities and finish what you start.
Success does not come easy. You must work hard for it; but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Think of how proud you will feel and the fun you will have along the way!

About Michelle Bidol
Michelle has a B.A. in Art History and Philosophy but she has been studying astrology for over 10 years now. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. She works with clients to help them understand the value of astrology and what it can bring into their daily lives.
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