The Capricorn, born between December 21 and January 20, is the sea-goat of the zodiac. Scorpios fall between October 23 and November 22 and are, aptly, symbolized by scorpions. The sea-goat and Scorpion can find themselves in a loving, romantic relationship, but the relationship will have its share of faults.
What Are Positive and Negative Traits of a Capricorn Man?
First, let’s look at the positives:
- Capricorn men don’t feel comfortable with instant gratification. In their work, relationship, and professional careers, they enjoy knowing their current work will pay off in the future. They’re willing to wait months, even years, before they see returns in their energy investments.
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- In part with their patience, Capricorn men have lofty goals, such as becoming an entrepreneur or CEO, and have carved out steps to achieve that goal. Nothing gets in the way of an ambitious Capricorn man, as he can very easily pummel through distractions.
- Capricorn men are problem solvers. They don’t like unresolved issues in any form, and often fixate on issues until they figure out a way to solve them. Whether it’s a leaky sink or a complex mathematical equation, Capricorn men can spend all nights tinkering with a problem until he solves it.
- Capricorn men are avid readers of literary works and consume hours of educational media. He doesn’t like wasting his time, so if a book or video doesn’t edify his knowledge, he’s not likely to continue it. He’ll know a surprising amount of trivia on a variety of subjects that he uses to impress his romantic interests.
- Capricorns don’t like laziness in themselves or other people. He thinks hard-work is a virtue and the success that comes from hard work the ultimate pleasure in life. He’s rigorous and precise. His workaholism allows him to advance in areas, such as academia or physical fitness, that other people are too undisciplined to enter.
Of course, it can’t always be sunshine and rainbows. Here are the Capricorn man’s negative traits:
- Capricorn men see the cup as half-empty. He’s cynical and often focuses on the negatives, even when there are plenty of positives to notice. His negative demeanor makes him a realist but often dissuades people from hanging around him as a result.
- Once a Capricorn man makes up his mind, it’s hard to get him to change it. His stubbornness could be ideological, such as with a certain ignorant viewpoint he might have, or a bad habit other people urge him to quit, but he refuses. Because he’s so smart, he’s adept at making arguments that defend his stubbornness.
- He’s shy and awkward when you first get to know him. It’s unlikely for a Capricorn man to be the first to strike up a conversation (unless he’s inebriated). He’ll find it difficult to make new friends, but he’ll hold close the friends he’s already made.
- Capricorn men don’t like sharing their time, money, or energy unless he feels he gets something out of the interaction. He’s able to be generous to friends or strangers sometimes, but giving also makes him expect cosmic return in his favor. It doesn’t have to be immediate, but he’s a firm believer of Karma points.
- Other zodiac signs will find it hard to tell what a Capricorn man is thinking or feeling. He keeps his emotions hidden, speaking in a monotone voice or keeping a non-expressive face. His unreadability makes other people nervous since they never know if the Capricorn approves of them or not.
What are Positive and Negative Traits of a Scorpio Woman?
The Scorpio woman is:
- Scorpio women are balanced to their core. They rarely have extreme emotions or fall into a fiery rage. The nature of her Water sign keeps her calm, cool, and collected in stressful situations.
- Scorpio women are known for their lofty goals for success. She might want to be a writer or producer, succeeding in a high position in her chosen field. She doesn’t want to settle for an ordinary, easy life. For her, work is part of the joy.
- When a Scorpio woman knows what she wants, she doesn’t let anything stand in her way. She can spend hours on end working on a particular project. On bigger topics, like her love life or career, she doesn’t let minor hurdles overcome her drive to succeed.
- A Scorpio woman stands up for what’s right. She doesn’t care what other people think about her as long as she has the confidence to pursue truth, justice, or kindness. The positive consequences of her bravery outweigh her fear from speaking up or acting out for what’s right.
- Scorpio women often “feel” the right answers in life. While her gut can’t help her on an exam, she finds listening to her intuition helps her navigate healthy relationships and career choices. She won’t need a pros and cons list to come to her decisions, instead a few nights of sleep before the answers hit her.
- Scorpios are known for their jealousy. Scorpio women might find their jealousy arising over their partner talking to another woman or other women having nicer clothing or jewelry than the Scorpio woman. The Scorpio woman knows, for the most part, her jealousy is unfounded, but she can’t help feeling underlying jealousy anyway.
- Scorpio women can read people easily. She can intuit what their desires and communication patterns. She can quickly figure out ways to get people to do what she wants. She tries to keep her manipulation in check, but it still sometimes sneaks out.
- A Scorpio woman prefers to keep herself to herself. Even close friends don’t know key aspects of her, as she rarely tells everyone about herself in totality. To partners and new friends, her secrecy makes it look like she has something to hide.
- Scorpio women hold grudges. She often can let issues roll off her shoulders, instead she mulls over problems until they’ve spiraled out of control in her mind. A wronged Scorpio woman might even seek vengeance against what upset her.
Do a Capricorn Man and Scorpio Woman Share Common Values?
A Scorpio woman and Capricorn man will find each other’s passion for life charming. They’re both stable people who rarely feel extreme emotion, so they’ll enjoy a steady relationship with each other.
The Capricorn man will find his Scorpio partner’s brave ambition attractive, since he often can’t muster up the courage to speak his mind in most situations. The Scorpio woman will enjoy the Capricorn’s rational, pragmatic disposition towards life, something exotic to her when she’s so intuitive.
A Capricorn man and Scorpio woman will focus on mutually growing their relationship while focusing on their paths for success. While they’re both independent people who enjoy keeping their professional and friend groups to themselves, a Capricorn man and Scorpio woman will rest assured they have a dedicated partner.
Can They Trust Each Other?
A Capricorn is often oblivious to other people’s emotions. Even when the Scorpio is brooding and seething over a grudge, his emotional state won’t be deterred by hers.
Their emotional compatibility will foster trust between them, ensuring that both parties will be fine no matter how the other is feeling. However, a Capricorn man enjoys honesty and loyalty in his partner. The Scorpio woman’s secretive and manipulative nature can put up red flags since he might not trust that she’s as honest as he is.
While the Scorpio might cause tension in their relationship, openness and honesty on both of their parts will make the relationship trustworthy and strong.
Are a Capricorn Man and Scorpio Woman Sexually Compatible?
Though they might not seem like it at first, a Capricorn man and Scorpio woman match each other well in bed.
Scorpios are one of the most sexual signs on the zodiac. She’s not one to hide her sexual energy, flirting and joking with a potential love interest freely.
The Capricorn, however, keeps a deceptively chaste appearance. He’s not flirtatious or sexual outright, but his sexual side comes out when he likes his partner enough. He is attuned to his partner’s sexual needs and tries to fulfill them as much as possible.
Sexual intimacy between a Capricorn man and Scorpio woman will be surprisingly loving and enriching. She’ll have previous sexual experience she can use to please him, while his eagerness to please will be precisely what she wants. Their sexual compatibility can deepen the emotional bond between the two.
What’s the Overall Compatibility Between a Capricorn Man and Scorpio Woman?
An immature Scorpio is manipulative and jealous. An immature Capricorn is moody and controlling. Neither of them will want anything to do with the other at first.
Through life and their relationship, though, a Scorpio woman and Capricorn man will dessicate their negative traits and develop positive ones. The Scorpio’s people-skills allows her to understand her Capricorn partner thoroughly. The Capricorn’s constant honesty and loyalty assuage the Scorpio’s jealous nature.
Their hard-working natures dedicate them to their relationship just like with their careers. They’re not going to let the relationship fall through the cracks for frivolous reasons. As a result, the Capricorn man and Scorpio woman will find themselves falling deeply in love.
Their relationship with each other will foster growth and compassion, and their compatibility with each other will let them be happy for a long time to come.

About Michelle Bidol
Michelle has a B.A. in Art History and Philosophy but she has been studying astrology for over 10 years now. She has experience with astrology, tarot and other forms of divination. She works with clients to help them understand the value of astrology and what it can bring into their daily lives.
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