Payment services company Payza on Wednesday confirmed in a blog post they are actively exploring the possibilities of integrating the bitcoin digital currency into their platform.
This news comes following a May 15th report from NEWSBTC that indicated Charlie Shrem had assumed a business development role at the company, with Shrem telling us that he is “responsible for overseeing development, integration and incorporation of Bitcoin and Digital Currency into the Payza Global Platform.”
Company VP of Product Ali Nizameddine said Payza — which operates out of London — has a “distinct vision” as to how they are planning to include bitcoin options in their platform.
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“The option that is most appealing is to allow our members to purchase Bitcoins with funds in their secure Payza accounts and to allow them to store their Bitcoins in their Payza ewallets or to transfer them to another wallet service. Also, merchants that process payments using Payza would be able to easily add the option to accept Bitcoin payments without the need to incorporate other payment gateways,” he said.
“That is what we are currently trying to achieve, but the actual service offered will depend on the partnerships we forge and the regulations of the countries in which we operate.”
Payza’s Director of Global Risk and Compliance Ferhan Patel attended Bitcoin 2014 last week in Amsterdam, in which he said that “It’s clear to us that cryptocurrencies in general, and Bitcoin specifically, should not be ignored.”
“It’s clear to us that cryptocurrencies in general, and Bitcoin specifically, should not be ignored.”
There’s a landscape of hurdles the company must face to make the integration a reality (chief of which being regulation), but with the proper guidance from industry specialists (Shrem being one of them), it’s certainly looking like a possibility in the very near future.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020